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Mudan Kashidashi Kanojo


Release: 25.12.2015
Type: Visual Novel
Translated: English
0 /10
[That? Such piercings are put up...?] [It is so. Do not it suit?]

Saying embarrassing, she the first who associates and becomes half a year. I deny panicking by my best. The mood worsening since the morning because it is a special day today worries.

[Nee, it is today... It doesn't come] [I'm sorry. There is business today.]

It associates during half a year by the party of commemoration though it was thought that did, it has been declined. Recent, there are a lot of these. She has some business, nothing but incorrect time each other. However... It is inevitable. Then I will deceive it laughingly some other time.

No hobby of her, it is not me... Piercings that shine suspiciously... I am psyched out why...
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Mudan Kashidashi Kanojo
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