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  3. Kuusou Seihan Keikaku Ryouko Joshikousei Gekouchuu Stalker Rape Jiken

Kuusou Seihan Keikaku Ryouko -Joshikousei Gekouchuu Stalker Rape Jiken

空想性犯計画「リョウコ」 ~女子高生下校中ストーカーレイプ事件~

Release: 29.05.2016
Type: Doujin
Translated: English
0 /10
No job. No wealth. Still a virgin. The world stacks up against a man. Eventually his eyes grow narrow. He stares at a cute girl and thinks, "Her." Follows her to the station. Surreptitiously takes home her student ledger. Acquires her phone details, and marks the moment he will strike. Late at night, after cram school... He will take her aside, ruin her, fill her with semen, photograph it... and use that to blackmail her more. She will be his slave. It's such a cinderella story.
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Kuusou Seihan Keikaku Ryouko -Joshikousei Gekouchuu Stalker Rape Jiken
370.19 MB