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Corona Blossom Vol1

コロナ・ブロッサム Vol 1 - Gift From the Galaxy

Release: 26.08.2016
Type: Visual Novel
Translated: English
0 /10
Keiji is a young man who is very skilled at dealing with machines even though he does not like them. After failing his university entrance exams, he began helping out at his grandfather’s workshop, which specializes in repairing heavy-duty industrial robots (VORKS). He was loved by the regular patrons and enjoyed a peaceful life in the countryside.

One day, a meteorite suddenly fell on the town and he found a metallic life form attached to it, who looked just like a forgotten girl from his past. Thus began his strange life with R-ne. After a while, she learns how to speak and tells him that she wished to return to her planet. He was moved by her words and vowed to send her back to space, no matter what.

However, the space pirate (rare metal hunter) Lily appeared before them, with her sights set on R-ne. Will Keiji and his friends be able to send R-ne back safely to her homeland?
Hentai Game Downloads
Corona Blossom.part1
1 GB
Corona Blossom.part2
913.04 MB
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