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Mamono no Inen -Otosare Haramasareru Naedoko Monogatari

魔物の淫宴 ~堕とされ孕まされる苗床物語~

Release: 25.08.2017
Type: Visual Novel
Translated: English
0 /10
The world after the Demon King was defeated. Trudr, who tried participating in the subjugation, lost her livelihood due to the unexpected end of war in the early stages. She somehow persevered, becoming a treasure hunter.

At such point of despair, hearing of a rumour regarding a cave which contained large amounts of gold and silver jewels, which the former Demon army had kept as war funds, Trudr started going towards the cave. While. she was completely caught gathering information in the city, she didn't care and moved forward.

There is not necessarily a treasure? The place is crawling with demons? There has not been any people who came back from there? She had confidence in her ability and above all, if she turned back after coming this far, there was no chance of obtaining a treasure.

Trudr who missed the actual subjugation of Demon King, ended up with only a small reward after the war. She had formed a complex against people, who had performed distinguished services during war and had started living an elegant life due to its recognition.

Trudr, while hiding the impatience in her heart, continued progressing towards the cave. The interior of cave was far more developed than she imagined. It seemed that the rumours did have some credibility. To grasp success, Trudr started going inside.
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Mamono no Inen -Otosare Haramasareru Naedoko Monogatari
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