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Sobo no Mitsu Ana -Aisuru Mago ni Sei no Tehodoki o

祖母の密穴 ~愛する孫に性の手ほどきを~

Release: 12.01.2018
Type: Visual Novel
Translated: English
6.0 /10 (1)
[Honami-obaachan, Happy Birthday] [Thank you. I am very happy]

Today is her 60th birthday. The son and his wife and a beloved grandchild "Hiroshi" are coming. She who sees a growing up Hiroshi who becomes ashamed when depending too much, a mischievous heart springs for a moment because it is very lovely.

[Hiroshi sleep with obaachan today after a long time?] [Eh, that's ok... Because i sleep alone]

Hiroshi though hates, his cheeks are dyes in red. Fufu, i wonder if i was a little too mean. Then, after a while.

[Honami-san, why not take a bath? Though Hiroshi have entering ahead]

Apparently, she may enter with Hiroshi. Then, she hurry and rush to the bath while getting excited. From the appearance of today, Hiroshi may be shy, but that kind child will forgive me when entering.

She headed to the dressing room and gently takes off her clothes, when she tried to open the door to the bathroom. But then... sound of rough breath from behind the door. When she looks in secretly, Hiroshis hand to the enlarged thing between one's groin, moves it back and forth...
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Sobo no Mitsu Ana -Aisuru Mago ni Sei no Tehodoki o
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